Friends Getting Together

Incorporation No. A0045974S

Strangers are friends just waiting to happen


Friends Getting Together Incorporated (A0045974S)

Major Events Registration Form

Major Events Registration Form


Name of member booking

Telephone Number Mobile Telephone Number

Email Address

Name (person accompanying) Member? Yes No

Name (person accompanying) Member? Yes No

Name (person accompanying) Member? Yes No

Comments, including any dietary requirements


Enter date and name of each event to be booked (see newsletter for details)


Total amount paid $

Either, I have transferred the relevant amount to Friends Getting Together's account at Bendigo Bank, BSB No.633000, Account No. 163475841. (When transferring at the bank use your phone number as an identifier.)

Date that transfer was made

Or, I have sent a cheque for the relevant amount to Friends Getting Together, PO Box 174, Ringwood East LPO, 74 Railway Avenue, Ringwood East, 3135.

Date that cheque was posted

Click the "submit" button to forward the completed application to the Social Secretary and Treasurer.

Applicant's signature